Below is the result of ADEPT Test held on Friday, 26 April 2024. Please refer to your name to check your score.
No. | Name | NIM | Gender | Score |
1 | Abdul Latif Baedhowi | 2208051030 | Male | 516 |
2 | Ahmad Rois Sunnas, M.Pd | 1,61E+15 | Male | 495 |
3 | Aisha Raihana | 1,90E+09 | Female | 489 |
4 | Aisyah Durrotul Hikmah | 2011031151 | Female | 405 |
5 | Alda Rahma Pratiwi | 2200023096 | Female | 491 |
6 | Ali Fatchurrohman | 2000027011 | Male | 515 |
7 | Ananda Kiki Rizky | 1,10E+15 | Female | 519 |
8 | Anisa Nurul Pratiwi | 2000013296 | Female | 490 |
9 | Anita Pratiwi | 6,30E+15 | Female | 513 |
10 | Astrivia Dewanti | 1900005260 | Female | 444 |
11 | Deanisa Azzira | 2000029120 | Female | 486 |
12 | Desty Pratiwi | 1700029043 | Female | 462 |
13 | Dewi Suci Handayani | 6,30E+15 | Female | 515 |
14 | Dima Wahyu Nugroho | 2000031027 | Male | 406 |
15 | Dina Zulfana | 2208041012 | Female | 512 |
16 | Endang Kurniasih | 2000024134 | Female | 446 |
17 | Ervier Priande | 1800018009 | Male | 458 |
18 | Hermaliana | 6,30E+15 | Female | 515 |
19 | Heru Dwi Kurniyanto | 1700008061 | Male | 410 |
20 | Husna Enggar Dani Darokah | 2100010083 | Female | 509 |
21 | Iffah Auliya | 2000029123 | Female | 512 |
22 | Iing Wahyuningsih | 2000013142 | Female | 465 |
23 | Ilham Munawar | 7,41E+15 | Male | 481 |
24 | Ivon Martini Puspita | 1900025065 | Female | 470 |
25 | Marwah Sofwatul Qulub | 2107049008 | Female | 430 |
26 | Mei Mudaleni | 2200023251 | Female | 502 |
27 | Muhammad Rizky | 19101059 | Male | 530 |
28 | Nasywa Putri Salsabila | 2200023094 | Female | 441 |
29 | Nazhif Ghani Alvidri | 2000028126 | Male | 496 |
30 | Neli Witasari | 3,40E+15 | Female | 480 |
31 | Nurul Inayah | 2000028052 | Female | 498 |
32 | Putri Paula | 6,47E+15 | Female | 477 |
33 | Rahmad Hidayat Harahap | 1,27701E+15 | Male | 502 |
34 | Resty Nurrizky Oktiawati | 3276056510010006 | Female | 531 |
35 | Ridhayana Andi Baso | 7,31E+15 | Female | 460 |
36 | Ridho Ayu Lestari | 2000028139 | Female | 507 |
37 | Saffaanah Zuhairoh | 2100010076 | Female | 513 |
38 | Sindy Fajriyanti | 1900030280 | Female | 482 |
39 | Sulistina Rabianti | 6,30E+15 | Female | 519 |
40 | Tiara Fitraningrum | 2000005170 | Female | 493 |
41 | Umi Margiati | 2000013083 | Female | 506 |
42 | Yuhana Maharani | 20200810040 | Female | 513 |
43 | Yulia Mukhdarina | 6,30E+14 | Female | 513 |
44 | Yuni Kartika Ramli., S.Psi | 2207044005 | Female | 418 |
45 | Zuhra Nur Fadhilah | 2000028102 | Female | 502 |
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